Tech Tip: Beware of Dangerous/Fraudulent Emails

If you receive an email from someone saying they are a Dinwiddie County Public Schools (DCPS) employee and it does not have an email address that comes from ‘’, DO NOT OPEN  OR RESPOND TO IT. This email could be a virus or malware. Always check that the domain is  ‘’ and verify that the email is not fraudulent. Many times these types of fraudulent emails come at the beginning or the end of the month.

Domain examples:
  • Good domain  –
  • Possible virus or hacker  –

BEWARE of these types of emails from anyone or any company:

  • Request to take immediate actions such as provide your personal information(i.e. ID,  Password, SSN), or request to send money/bank account information
  • Emails from unknown and/or unsolicited senders
  • Emails with unknown links or compressed files
  • Strange wording (i.e. misspelled words or poor grammar)
  • Unknown user wants to share files with you
  • Unsolicited gifts and approval needed emails
Report any fraudulent emails to your school technology staff.  Thanks for your diligence in keeping you and the others in our network safe!